Descaling Depangel


Descaling SPLIT GEL . 1 Pack

SKU: splitgel-1 Category:

The SPlit Gel is a special descaling is supplied in packs of Sanisplit, it is sold separately on this website. The descaling SPLIT GEL allows optimum operation of the appliance Sansiplit, and is suitable to apply the treatment every 45/60 days especially in areas where the water is calcium-saturated.

The procedure for the use of SPLIT GEL is the following:

  1. Pull the plug to connect to the electricity grid;
  2. Pour through the drain of the sink, washbasin or bidet, all the detail descaler
  3. Allow to work for the descaling for about 3/4 hours
  4. Reconnect the unit to the mains
  5. Reuse the device according to the usualmodalità

The SPLITGEL is affordable both single package here is the convenience package of 10 pieces directly from our shop.

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Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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